Welcome Back from ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½CEO - News - The ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½Academy Trust


ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½Academy Trust
Posted on: 04/09/2020

Welcome Back from ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½CEO

DSC 0014 (1)As we prepare to welcome back our staff and pupils, we can’t wait to see our schools buzzing again after so many months.

The UK Chief Medical Officers have reiterated the risk to schools is low, the greater risk now being to keep the nation’s children away from school. The ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½Academy Trust agrees with this wholeheartedly. Children need to return to their routines, their learning and all that their individual schools have to offer.

Every child has missed something, be it learning or being around their friends and teachers, and we want to reassure you that both pastoral and academic considerations will be of the utmost importance when settling the children back into daily school life. The return to school will be greeted with excitement for many children, however, others will be feeling a variety of emotions including anxiety and fear. It is our aim to support and nurture every child’s individual concerns, whilst ensuring we harness the positive aspect of children regaining their normality and day-to-day routine. School staff will remain extra vigilant, quickly identifying any newly vulnerable members of our school communities. Where a child, or family, requires a more bespoke package of support, we will work with expert outside agencies and children’s services to sensitively address this. Do not hesitate to contact your school directly if you have any concerns over your child’s wellbeing.

Behind the scenes, an enormous amount of work has taken place to ensure we are ready to open fully and safely. Managing the health, safety and well-being of our children and staff whilst maintaining the highest quality of teaching and learning and delivering an exciting and engaging curriculum for all.

All schools, guided by our expert Health and Safety Officers, have carried out thorough and comprehensive risk assessments which are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that we have all necessary protective measures in place. Every Head of School, throughout the Trust, is kept fully updated with any changes to official guidance.

The government, in accordance with their medical advisors, has set out a system of controls that all schools must follow. The government plan is based on a twin strategy of limiting contact between pupils and implementing hygiene measures. These are described in more detail .

Further guidance from the government on opening schools for parents and carers can be found .

The ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½Academy Trust has an informative Coronavirus/COVID-19 page on this website HERE which contains useful links and downloads and will also include details on any local lockdown procedures, should these occur, and home learning plans.

In addition, the Department for Education (DfE) has launched a designated helpline to answer any questions you may have:

Telephone: 0800 046 8687

Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)

Email: DfE.coronavirushelpline@education.gov.uk

Finally, I would like to extend a huge “thank you” to you all for everything you have done to support your children during this period. For many it has been a huge juggling act to manage work, life and home-schooling responsibilities and we do not underestimate the difficulties this has posed.

Your child(ren)’s school will have provided detailed guidance regarding aspects such as drop off and collection times, one-way systems and any timetable variations. Please adhere to the ‘rules’ and ensure your children see you doing so. This will make it easier for us to support them in learning new routines and they will quickly see that we are ‘all in this together’, promoting a sense of security.

Working in partnership we can ensure that our schools remain as safe as they can possibly be. Your support and co-operation is, as ever, hugely appreciated.

Mrs Vanessa Bragg - ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½CEO

Written by Aspire
Written by Aspire
Written by Aspire